The need of the hour was paper Quilling at a school in Allahabad. On special request, MonikaArts sets up a workshop on quilling for School Teachers and few students.
The Table got occupied with colorful ribbons, envelops and tools. Everyone was very attentive to the instructions.
All participants came in with full energy towards mastering paper quilling. In no time, everyone started feeling comfortable revolving their fingers around the quill ribbons. It was fun teaching all these enthusiast, who have been waiting for this session from long. Further, the candidates are now wishing to learn Lamasa clay art.
The Table got occupied with colorful ribbons, envelops and tools. Everyone was very attentive to the instructions.
All participants came in with full energy towards mastering paper quilling. In no time, everyone started feeling comfortable revolving their fingers around the quill ribbons. It was fun teaching all these enthusiast, who have been waiting for this session from long. Further, the candidates are now wishing to learn Lamasa clay art.